Vitamin a and carotenoids in human slbretinal fluid

I. Lcung, C. Chan, K. W. Lam, Tso Mom

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose. the occurrence of retinol and lutein in human retina are well known. This study is to investigate it these importint compounds are released into the subretinal space following rhegmatogenous reiinul delachment. Methods. Blood and subretinal fluid were collected from 6 patieivs at the time of surgical repair of retinal delachment. Cellular contents in the sp ccimcns were removed by cenirifugation. 'I he supernatant fractions were analyzed rw HPLC using a silica column eluted b\ 16°'o dioxane in hexane. The eluant was monitored by a photodiode arrav detector. Rctinol and carotcnoids were identified in tht chromatograms based on their retention time and absorption speclrum. Carotenoid; have a unique absorption spectrum between 400-500nm. Rgsult$. The retinol co icentrations in the serum and subretinal fluid detected at 327nm were 305±144 aid 16696 rig/ml respectively The 450nm chromatogram showed 8 peaks win the characteristic absorption spectrum u I carotenoids. Peak 1 and 7 were coincided with the retention lime of -earotene ( 1.8 min) and lutein{ 10.8min) respective!;-. The concentrations of -earotene and lutein in serum were 161 ±63 and I42±98 ng/rrl respectively. There was \ery little -carotene in subretinal fluid (4.7± 2.4ng/ml) Lutein was the major earotenoid peak in subretinal fluid (29.9± 4.6 ng/ml). The minor earotenoid peaks of scrum were not observed in subretinal fluid. Conclusi m. There is a significant amount of retinol and lutein in subretinal fluid. Their concentrations in the subretinal fluid may reflect the magnitude of damage in the rod outtr segment and retinal pigment epithelial cells following rhegmatogennus retinal de achment. The concentrations of reiinol and lutein in subretinal cannoi be explainec by blood contamination.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)S305
JournalInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology
  • Sensory Systems
  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience


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