Techniques to create continence in the failed bladder exstrophy closure patient

J. P. Gearhart, D. A. Canning, D. S. Peppas, R. D. Jeffs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


We reviewed retrospectively 315 patients with bladder exstrophy treated at our hospital between July 1976 and April 1992 to assess the outcome of those who failed primary closure of the bladder. Of the patients 47 required reclosure of the bladder, including 28 who have undergone a procedure to restore urinary continence. Methods used to achieve dryness included bladder neck reconstruction in 18 patients, bladder neck reconstruction along with augmentation in 4, augmentation alone in 4, repeat bladder neck reconstruction in 1, and reclosure with creation of a continent stoma and augmentation in 1. Nine of 18 patients who underwent primary bladder neck reconstruction are dry on intermittent catheterization, while 8 of the remaining 9 are dry and voiding without catheterization. Four patients who underwent primary bladder neck reconstruction and augmentation, and 4 who underwent augmentation after bladder neck reconstruction are dry on intermittent catheterization. The patient who underwent reclosure, bladder augmentation and creation of a continent abdominal stoma is dry on intermittent catheterization. Virtually all patients who failed the initial closure and later bladder neck reconstruction for continence require augmentation and intermittent catheterization to remain dry. Of 28 patients who underwent salvage procedures only 1 had upper tract changes. With attention to detail and the use of a variety of reconstructive techniques children who have failed exstrophy closure can achieve continence and have stable renal function.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)441-443
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Urology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1993


  • bladder exstrophy
  • urinary incontinence

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology


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