Regulation of lymphoid-specific immunoglobulin μ heavy chain gene enhancer by ETS-domain proteins

Barbara Nelsen, Gang Tian, Batu Erman, Jacqueline Gregoire, Richard Maki, Barbara Graves, Ranjan Sen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

193 Scopus citations


The enhancer for the immunoglobulin μ heavy chain gene (IgH) activates a heterologous gene at the pre-B cell stage of B lymphocyte differentiation. A lymphoid-specific element, μB, is necessary for enhancer function in pre-B cells. A μB binding protein is encoded by the PU.1/Spi-1 proto-oncogene. Another sequence element, μA, was identified in the μ enhancer that binds the product of the ets-1 proto-oncogene. The μA motif was required for μB-dependent enhancer activity, which suggests that a minimal B cell-specific enhancer is composed of both the PU.1 and Ets-1 binding sites. Co-expression of both PU.1 and Ets-1 in nonlymphoid cells trans-activated reporter plasmids that contained the minimal μ enhancer. These results implicate two members of the Ets family in the activation of IgH gene expression.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)82-86
Number of pages5
Issue number5117
StatePublished - Jul 2 1993
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

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