Reconsidering phosphorylation in the control of inducible CARD11 scaffold activity during antigen receptor signaling

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Protein phosphorylation is a commonly used regulatory step that controls signal transduction pathways in a wide array of biological contexts. The finding that a residue is phosphorylated, coupled with the observation that mutation of that residue impacts signaling, often forms the basis for concluding that the phosphorylation of that residue is a key signaling step. However, in certain cases, the situation is more complicated and warrants further study to obtain a clear mechanistic understanding of whether and how the kinase-mediated modification in question is important. CARD11 is a multi-domain signaling scaffold that functions as a hub in lymphocytes to transmit the engagement of antigen receptors into the activation of NF-κB, JNK and mTOR. The phosphorylation of the CARD11 autoinhibitory Inhibitory Domain in response to antigen receptor triggering has been proposed to control the signal-induced conversion of CARD11 from an inactive to an active scaffold in a step required for lymphocyte activation. In this review, I discuss recent data that suggests that this model should be reconsidered for certain phosphorylation events in CARD11 and propose possible experimental avenues for resolution of raised issues.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100775
JournalAdvances in Biological Regulation
StatePublished - Jan 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics
  • Cancer Research


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