Multiple α2‐Noradrenergic Receptor Sites in Rat Brain: Selective Regulation of High‐Affinity [3H] Clonidine Binding by Guanine Nucleotides and Divalent Cations

Bruno M. Rouot, David C. U'Prichard, Solomon H. Snyder

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114 Scopus citations


Both kinetic and equilibrium experiments indicate the presence of distinct high‐ and low‐affinity [3H]clonidine binding associated with α2‐ noradrenergic receptors in rat cerebral cortex membranes. Guanine nucleotides selectively decrease the numbers of high‐affinity [3H]clonidine binding sites, with no influence on the low‐affinity sites. The influence of nucleotides is exerted by GTP, its nonmetabolized analogue, guanyl‐5′‐yl imidodiphosphate, and GDP–but not by GMP, ADP, ATP, and AMP. In contrast, divalent cations increase high‐affinity [3H]clonidine binding‐an effect not evident at low‐affinity sites. Manganese is the most potent of the divalent cations, while magnesium and calcium are less active. Divalent cations and guanine nucleotides appear to elicit interactive rather than simply additive influences upon α2‐receptors. The inhibitory influence of sodium upon α2‐receptor binding of [3H]clonidine is exerted to the same extent upon both high‐ and low‐affinity [3H]clonidine binding.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)374-384
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Neurochemistry
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1980

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience


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