International society of urological pathology (ISUP) consensus conference on handling and staging of radical prostatectomy specimens. working group 1: Specimen handling

Hemamali Samaratunga, Rodolfo Montironi, Lawrence True, Jonathan I. Epstein, David F. Griffiths, Peter A. Humphrey, Theo Van Der Kwast, Thomas M. Wheeler, John R. Srigley, Brett Delahunt, Lars Egevad

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

185 Scopus citations


The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the handling and processing of radical prostatectomy specimens were coordinated by working group 1. Most uropathologists followed similar procedures for fixation of radical prostatectomy specimens, with 51% of respondents transporting tissue in formalin. There was also consensus that the prostate weight without the seminal vesicles should be recorded. There was consensus that the surface of the prostate should be painted. It was agreed that both the prostate apex and base should be examined by the cone method with sagittal sectioning of the tissue sample. There was consensus that the gland should be fully fixed before sectioning. Both partial and complete embedding of prostates was considered to be acceptable as long as the method of partial embedding is stated. No consensus was determined regarding the necessity of weighing and measuring the length of the seminal vesicles, the preparation of whole mounts rather than standardized blocks and the methodology for sampling of fresh tissue for research purposes, and it was agreed that these should be left to the discretion of the working pathologist.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6-15
Number of pages10
JournalModern Pathology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2011


  • processing
  • prostate adenocarcinoma
  • prostatic apex
  • prostatic base
  • sampling
  • seminal vesicle

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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