Hawkeye and AMOS: Visualizing and assessing the quality of genome assemblies

Michael C. Schatz, Adam M. Phillippy, Daniel D. Sommer, Arthur L. Delcher, Daniela Puiu, Giuseppe Narzisi, Steven L. Salzberg, Mihai Pop

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Since its launch in 2004, the open-source AMOS project has released several innovative DNA sequence analysis applications including: Hawkeye, a visual analytics tool for inspecting the structure of genome assemblies; the Assembly Forensics and FRCurve pipelines for systematically evaluating the quality of a genome assembly; and AMOScmp, the first comparative genome assembler. These applications have been used to assemble and analyze dozens of genomes ranging in complexity from simplemicrobial species throughmammalian genomes. Recent efforts have been focused on enhancing support for new data characteristics brought on by second- and now third-generation sequencing. This review describes the major components of AMOS in light of these challenges, with an emphasis on methods for assessing assembly quality and the visual analytics capabilities of Hawkeye. These interactive graphical aspects are essential for navigating and understanding the complexities of a genome assembly, from the overall genome structure down to individual bases. Hawkeye and AMOS are available open source at http://amos.sourceforge.net.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberbbr074
Pages (from-to)213-224
Number of pages12
JournalBriefings in bioinformatics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2013


  • Assembly forensics
  • DNA sequencing
  • Genome assembly
  • Visual analytics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Information Systems
  • Molecular Biology


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