Functional network overlap as revealed by fmri using sica and its potential relationships with functional heterogeneity, balanced excitation and inhibition, and sparseness of neuron activity

Jiansong Xu, Vince D. Calhoun, Patrick D. Worhunsky, Hui Xiang, Jian Li, John T. Wall, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Marc N. Potenza

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12 Scopus citations


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies traditionally use general linear modelbased analysis (GLM-BA) and regularly report task-related activation, deactivation, or no change in activation in separate brain regions. However, several recent fMRI studies using spatial independent component analysis (sICA) find extensive overlap of functional networks (FNs), each exhibiting different task-relatedmodulation (e.g., activation vs. deactivation), different from the dominant findings of GLM-BA. This study used sICA to assess overlap of FNs extracted from four datasets, each related to a different cognitive task. FNs extracted from each dataset overlapped with each other extensively acrossmost or all brain regions and showed task-related concurrent increases, decreases, or no changes in activity. These findings indicate that neural substrates showing task-related concurrent but different modulations in activity intermix with each other and distribute across most of the brain. Furthermore, spatial correlation analyses found that most FNs were highly consistent in spatial patterns across different datasets. This finding indicates that these FNs probably reflect large-scale patterns of task-related brain activity. We hypothesize that FN overlaps as revealed by sICAmight relate to functional heterogeneity, balanced excitation and inhibition, and population sparseness of neuron activity, three fundamental properties of the brain. These possibilities deserve further investigation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere0117029
JournalPloS one
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 25 2015

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