Application of family-based association testing to assess the genotype-phenotype association involved in complex traits using single-nucleotide polymorphisms

Ming Hsi Wang, Mitchell Guo, Yin Y. Shugart

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Background: We used the FBAT (family-based association test) software to test for association between 300 individual single-nucleotide polymorphisms and P1 (a latent trait of Kofendred Personality Disorder) in 100 simulated replicates of the Aipotu population. Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 dataset, we calculated the power of FBAT to detect linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 3 (D2). Also, we calculated the false-positive rate on chromosome 1, which contains a true locus (D1) but no linkage disequilibrium was simulated between the trait and all the surrounding single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Results: We were able to detect the associations between phenotype P1 and three adjacent markers B03T3056 (average p-value = 0.0002), B03T3057 (average p-value = 0.00072), and B03T3058 (average p-value = 0.0038) with power of 98%, 87%, 71% on chromosome 3, respectively. The overall false positve rate to detect association was 0.06 on chromosome 1. Conclusion: The power to detect a significant association in 100 nuclear families affected with the latent trait of Kofendred Personality Disorder by using FBAT was reasonable (based on 100 replicates). In the future, we will compare the performance of FBAT with alternative approaches, such as using FBAT-generalized estimating equations methods to test for association in families affected with complex traits.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberS68
JournalBMC Genetics
Issue numberSUPPL.1
StatePublished - Dec 30 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Genetics(clinical)


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